Freeman, Arthur, et al. Comparative Treatments for Borderline Personality Disorder. Springer, 2005.
In chapter four of "Comparative Treatments for Borderline Personality Disorder" written by Arthur Freeman, he discusses dialectic behavior therapy for people with Borderline Personality Disorder. Dialectic behavior therapy is when you image behaving and thinking the opposite way in which you had in a prior situation. This also can apply to imaging your self in made-up scenarios and behaving in the opposite way in which you normally would. This type of therapy allows individuals to accept themselves and work towards regulating emotions in difficult situations.
Morris, Nicky. Dramatherapy for Borderline Personality Disorder : Empowering and Nurturing People
Through Creativity. Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, 2018.
In the book, "Stepped Care for Borderline Personality Disorder: Making Treatment Brief, Effective, and Accessible," written by Joel Paris, chapter 6 addresses the issues with people with Borderline Personality Disorder have accessing affordable and helpful psychotherapy. Good, effective psychotherapy treatments can be expensive as well as hard to find for individuals. It also confirms that short term, high quality treatments can still be very affective despite traditional treatments lasting much longer.
Recognizing Borderline Personality Disorder in Children. Aquarius Health Care Media, 2006.
"Recognizing Borderline Personality Disorder in Children," by Aquarius Health Care Media, is a video that talks about early signs and symptoms children with borderline personality disorder may show. These symptoms include hostility, rage, and overreacting in unnecessary situations. The video also talks about the importance of identifying these symptoms at an early age and getting proper treatment for them. Treating a child with borderline personality disorder can improve their emotional wellbeing as well as the relationship they have with their parents or guardians. Additionally, treating borderline personality disorder at a young age can prevent the personality disorder from worsening and preventing unhealthy behaviors.
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